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8 Thoughts to “Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ may “enhance the infection””

  1. the formerly bushy former artist formerly known as the bush

    shhhh… im trying to watch the Pope’s Easter Vigil

  2. Pope hasn’t healed one person in his whole life, nor has any other preacher. So much for all that miracle bull shit. Get in early and apply for your Freedom ID cards. Whoops, “immunity card”. You wont be able to leave home without it. Anthony Fauci is a paid Gates shill trying to flog off his implantable microchips. Trump doesn’t seem fazed by it either.

  3. the formerly bushy former artist formerly known as the bush

    ok its over and the world is once again safe from the forces of evil
    thanks to the pope and his brother jesus…

    wow is the pope 2000 years old?
    or is he like Dr Who where they replace him every few years…?

    im sure all the brainwashed zuckerberg followers will be queuing up for the bill gates implant – think I will have to go live underground so the towers cant track me….

    I wonder if we will get a long weekend in the future to celebrate Lord Zuckerbergen’s life…

    1. Google and Apple (BBC) are already ‘helping’ track mobile phones in banned areas. Won’t take long for government to demand the data to retroactively fine phone owners. Gotta pay that $130B off somehow. Same tracking ass holes are “doing away with the need to download a third party app” with their new non-removable system app to help ID the unvaxxed ‘threats to society’. But our Android (Joogle owned) phone info will supposedly be safe because at the moment it’s all “voluntary”. (app will install during a system update anyway)

  4. the formerly bushy former artist formerly known as the bush

    watch out !!!
    the chinese have hijacked the police helicopter and are looking for people showing dissent to their commy ways and heading your direction….

    1. That’s OK. When they get here they’ll see who my leader is. I have an enlarged framed portrait of you on my wall playing bass with the lyrics I found on your computer … “Fuck the commie #unts, reclaim Australia, get the reds out from under our beds!!!” I just put a post-it note with your address on it too.

  5. the formerly bushy former artist formerly known as the bush

    wow you are evil – you should go visit the pope…he can help….

    1. Ow I love when you project. You’re the ‘evil’ monkey sending commies in stolen helicopters here. I’m just your brainwashed cult follower. Go have a Jim Jones cool-aid Zooper Dooper.

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