Dang, after three years of doubt I’m now a ‘Flyboard Air’ believer

Flyboard Air

It’s been three years or so since I first seen a French guy standing on a tiny jet powered platform, supposedly flying around at 150km.

All the past videos of this French guy, I one way or another ended up coming across, were so polished that they looked fake.

The polished videos looked like they were filmed at midday when shadows were minimal and hard to see.

Most videos were always over water, yet hardly ever any visible water disturbance was seen from the supposed seven mini jet engines.

There were minimum close up shots of the board and engines, and rarely was it ever seen taking off or landing.

Flight videos were always chopped into sections from different times and mixed together.

Youtube video commentators would cry “it’s CGI fake” … and claimed helicopters / cranes and wires were used.

One comment stuck out today while I was browsing the latest over land polished video. (linked below)

Some dude pointed out the lack of uploads from the public that would have also filmed the outdoor flights from their own phones / cameras.

I say the same thing about “miracle”, “ghosts” and “grey alien” videos. So many video cameras in mobile phones now days, yet not one believable miracle, ghost or grey alien video on the entire internet.

Anyways …

So I looked around for unpolished ‘one take’ video uploads and found the above. It’s still filmed by someone with access to the private take off jetty … but it’s a ‘one take’ video from, start to finish.

Wow, what sold me was at the end of the video; a land based spot light was turned on and followed him around.

I’ve read what pro video editors can and can’t do. (I dabble in basic video editing) Adding convincing ‘clear heat blur’ and other lighting effects on moving objects … is supposedly impossible.

Geez, I hope the bloody Gold Coast City Council doesn’t see this, otherwise they’ll replace the stalking drones they already have and use Flyboards instead.

related: ‘Polished’ video: Flyboard Air, flying over dry land

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